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If you want to start a game, press the PLAY button in the main menu.

You can play online by selecting a room from list.

The game has several types.


You should make your own if there is no room to your tastes.

At first, let's enter the room that is displayed as "GAME : Meeting"


This is not a competition, and you can place a box or stage.

*Please refer to the Manual2 about how to make a room.


Game types except Meeting is the competition with victory or defeat.


Way of playing in the competition will be changed by the stage and rules.

I will revise manual later because it is in production.


There is no thing in particular. This is common in this game.


You can place one by one the box, or you can place the stage(boxes that was arranged in advance).

The amount that can be placed is limited by the setting of the room.


If your machine come in contact with any other machine while holding down the Attach key(default:E), your machine will become a child of that.

Connection is released by pressing the modifier keys + Attach key.

In some cases, it is detached by the strong impact.


USAGE Show how to operate.

CHAT Switch ON / OFF of chat window.

EXIT Leave the room.


Width,Height,Depth Adjust the size of the box.

OffsetX,Y,Z Adjust the offset from your machine.

Palette*8 Left end color(black) for deletion, the others for normal paint.

Red,Green,Blue Create a color.

MATERIAL Choose the material of the box.

HORIZONTAL Keep horizontally the box (or stage).

PAINT Paint the box that is crossed the guide.

GUIDE Show the placement guide.


CAMERA Choose the camera mode.

Compass Switch the orientation display of the lower end of the screen.

Angle Switch the direction display during zoom.

Roll Switch the slope display during zoom.

PlayerList Switch the display of the player name list of the screen right. *Push F5 to change to machine name list

PlayerTag Switch the name tag that appears above the head of each machine.

SelectFile Display a list of stage file selection. *It is also possible to enter the file name directly

SAVE Save the stage in the name of the input field.

LOAD Load the stage in the name of the input field.

PREVIEW Prepare the stage in the name of the input field. *stage data of relative-mode (named "r_ *") only

UNDO Remove the last stage loaded.

CLEAR Remove all your own stage and the box.


<The numbers in the lower right>

Number of boxes that you have placed Altitude  Hover specified altitude

Number of boxes present in the world Airspeed

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